As Paul Krugman has pointed out, Trumpism is pro-social insurance and against racial equality. I'm not sure people here have fully grasped what that means yet. Say you're a poor white person who lives in a Red state that has not expanded medicare. Rich (to you at least) suburbanites get a break on their health insurance under Obamacare. What does the poor guy who is working three part time jobs without benefits get? Nothing.
Why? Because of those people. That guy working three jobs sees his children go without health insurance and is afraid. Why don't they have health insurance. Because his state's leaders won't allow it if it means covering those people. And it's always been like this, for generations since reconstruction. Sure, we can say that he needs to vote his leaders out of office, but he knows you can't. He KNOWS that the racists always win, and if you try to fight them they will hurt you and your family. Pick the wrong party for state legislature? Hope you're ready for your schools and roads to take a hit. Who's going to stand up to the bullies? Certainly not the Democratic Party, they stopped running candidates outside of statewide races a decade ago.
And now here comes Trump, with the obvious -- and perhaps final -- solution. If you cannot have healthcare because of those people, if your children cannot be safe because those people are in your community, then force them out. Deport them. Hell, kill them if it comes to that. Hate loudly and violently enough and maybe those people will leave. Then, finally, your leaders will let your family have the healthcare they need.
If you think what Trump is tapping into isn't explosive and dangerous, you're sorely mistaken.